In the Traffic Study completed by the developer, all stated traffic improvements are dependent on the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) building dedicated right turn lanes at each corner of Willow and Pfingsten.
One problem is that no one knows when IDOT will make the improvements. It could be many years.
The development WILL increase traffic in our area regardless of IDOT improvements.
Without the development, our traffic will increase considerably. With the development, it will increase even more.
Traffic Study
The traffic study was completed on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 from 7-9 AM and 4-6 PM and on Saturday, May 4, 2019 from 12-2 PM.
The traffic study did not account for the busiest traffic time, at 3:00 PM. Delays stated in the traffic study are likely much higher.
The Federal Highway Administration uses traffic levels, Level of Service (LOS) to measure the average control delay (how long you wait, in seconds) The scale uses A-F, where A is the best (<= 10 seconds) and F is the worst (> 80 seconds).
Significant delays currently exist for northbound and southbound traffic on Pfingsten Road. Morning delays are as high as 78.2 seconds (LOS E, nearly F) and afternoon delays are as high as 116 seconds (LOS F).
With the development, the delays are as high as 81.3 seconds (LOS F) in the morning and 133 seconds (LOS F) in the evening.
That's over 2 minutes to cross Willow Road and since the actual peak time was not studied, it will likely be longer.
Projected traffic volumes for 2025 with the retail developments on both west corners and without IDOT improvements are as follows:
Morning delays up to 125.2 seconds (LOS F)
Evening delays up to 176.8 seconds (LOS F)
LOS F conditions would increase from 1 lane to 6 traffic lanes. We will be sitting in a lot of traffic.