Residents were called to action when a commercial sale sign went up on the property in September 2018. We knew the property was residential. What we learned since then has compelled us to keep pushing for a residential development.
This is not right - Glenview Zoning map has always shown this property zoned R-1 Residential.
This is not right - Prior to purchasing homes in the area, potential residents inquired about zoning status at Glenview Village Hall. Residents were consistently told the current AND future use is "Residential."
This is not right-The ordinance allowed the landowner to pay residential property taxes for over 30 years, then sell the property for commercial, essentially using Glenview for estate planning.
This is not right - When the southwest corner of Willow and Pfingsten was annexed and rezoned in Glenview, three other properties near the intersection were also annexed and rezoned. Only the southwest corner was granted a special ordinance with amenities favorable to one resident despite opposition from the community.
This is not right - Allowing commercial use for this property benefits two parties, the landowner and the developer, neither of whom live in the community. While they reap the revenue, the community would be forced to live with their mess of unwanted retail, traffic and accidents.